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As I mentioned, my favorite quote is “The glory of God is man fully alive.” This comes from St. Irenaeus, a 2nd century Christian saint.
What that means to me first of all is that we have a God given design and calling that needs to be discovered and understood so that we can live accordingly. I believe that God, as the creator and designer of our lives, wants to be at the center of who we are and all we do. Our relationship with God is essential to living life fully alive.
When we put God at the center and live our lives according to this divine design and calling, we are truly alive, truly living the life that we were meant to live!
Every person has multiple gifts and talents, skills and abilities and a key passion that are really important to fully develop in order to thrive. When we don’t live our lives to the fullest, we don’t thrive. We are suppressing the life within us. We know deep down inside that our lives were meant for more!
Living life fully alive means that you are living your calling – your true identity and Purpose – whole-heartedly, joyfully, with maturity, in healthy relationship to God and people. It means reaching your full potential, living from your heart, fully present and engaged, resilient in hard times, and free to be yourself. When you get clarity on this, it becomes a plumb line for your life, everything you choose to do or not do is evaluated by this.
What it is NOT, is living life on the fly, on a whim, doing whatever feels good at the time. To live life fully alive is to live intentionally according to your calling. There is sacrifice and suffering in the midst of that as you press on to fulfill your Purpose in this world and to remain true to yourself while you are doing it.
The reason I became a coach was so that I could mine the gold in people – that divine identity and purpose – and to partner with them as they discover, dream and do the life they were born to live!