Oh what an exciting time it is for those who are graduating! Every ending carries with it a hopeful promise of a new beginning. The future awaits – let the new adventures begin!
Graduation can also be a time of uncertainty and “not knowing” – not knowing what you really want to do with your life, or who you really are for that matter. I certainly didn’t know who I really was or what I wanted to do with my life at age 18. When I graduated from college, I had a better idea but still lots of questions.
Would you like to help someone you love with a gift that is more personal than money or a gift card? A gift that helps them get a better understanding of who they are and what their life-purpose is?
I have 2 unique gifts for your favorite graduates – both of them will help them be better prepared for their new adventures!
One of these gifts is half-price right now. It’s a coaching session with me for an hour to talk about THEM, to explore and discover more of their identity and purpose.
The second is a DISC Personality Profile test. It takes about 20 minutes to complete and produces 28-30 pages of results. It gives a description of your particular personality type, a historical character match (you might be like Mother Teresa or George Washington!), a very helpful section on communication skills, a Biblical character match, and a Career Match. Very helpful for people of any age!
Better yet – both gifts together make a powerful combo! The test + the coaching session to unpack the test is a wonderful gift for someone you love.
I hope you’ll take advantage of these special gifts – for graduates or anyone you want to surprise with something unique and thoughtful.
Enjoy celebrating those endings and the new adventures that await with the people you care about!