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Do you want the Prince, or just the Principles?

Dear friends,

The words in the headline above came out of my mouth at our home group last night. Everyone encouraged me to write about it so I am!

We were reading the book of Acts chapter 28. It was so very evident that the religious people of the day were just not able to understand what Jesus was all about because they were so steeped in their traditions and the principles they lived by.

Jesus is all about relationship not religion!

What’s the difference you may say? Religion is about getting a set of rules and principles you live by so you can have peace about your life. You can set your life on cruise control and live by your principles without ever connecting to the Prince of Peace himself!

…that I may gain Christ and be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which comes through faith in Christ, …that I may KNOW HIM…” Philippians 3:8-10 ESV

The reason Jesus came for you, gave His all for you, was so that in the end, YOU MIGHT KNOW HIM. He wanted a relationship with you that much.

Look into His eyes today and see the love He has for you, you are highly favored in His eyes! The Prince of Peace is your constant companion and He is inviting you to come up higher today, to live in communion with Him today and every day.

I’m praying for you to find that connection today. You have a friend in the highest of places who is calling you to walk with Him today. His name is Jesus.

With love and prayers,


48 Days Certified Coach

ICF Certified Coach, PCC

