This morning as I sit down to write a Christmas song is floating around in my head. “It’s the most wonderful time of the be of good CHEER…”!
There’s so much about the Christmas season that brings good cheer! The decorations, the music, the planning and expectations of parties, being with loved ones, baking and gift giving.
I personally love to give gifts. The thrill of finding something that communicates the love I feel for someone in the form of a gift is something that makes me smile. I get cheered up just thinking about it!
Last week I offered you a gift – a free copy of my book before it comes out on Amazon in bookstores. It’s called “The Divine Invitation:Entering the Dance of Becoming Fully Alive”. That offer is still available for you! I have pre-sale copies available that I would like to give you if you would like to have one. My book is about cultivating the one relationship that will always sustain you – your relationship with God. If you want more, or know someone who wants more, this book is for you. You can read more about it here.
What gifts are you thinking of giving to the people you love this year?
I’ve been coaching around 10 years now. Every year I have people who want to give someone they care about the gift of investing in their lives. Coaching is a wonderful way to help another person develop and grow in maturity and quality of life. So many people don’t take good care of themselves. They are great at taking care of others, but often don’t invest time, money or energy in themselves.
Those people would really benefit from a gift of coaching this Christmas! Take a look here at my coaching packages and see if one of them might be a fit for that special someone in your life. If you choose to give this as a gift, I will send you a Christmas gift certificate like this one:
You might also want or need this gift yourself! If so, let your loved ones know that you’d like that for Christmas this year, and forward this email to them.
Let cheerful giving be the theme of your Christmas holiday season this year!
With love and a prayer for multiplied blessings in your life,