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Abiding in Christ –> Guaranteed Success

A powerful dream

On May 25, 2016 My husband Michael had this powerful dream: 

“In a vivid dream from the Lord this morning, I was a part of a team of scientists who had been doing extensive research through the years. We had made a breakthrough discovery that would change the world on a very basic level as it would inspire a massively helpful paradigm shift for people across the globe. We were getting prepared to inform the world through a press conference. Some of our team members were tempted to elaborate on the report, but we actually needed to keep it profoundly simple. It was compared in my dream to Einstein’s breakthrough in physics – “E equals MC squared”.

Then I saw what we had discovered. It was a more fundamental understanding and intentional application of John 15:4-5. The amazing equation was this: 

Abiding in Jesus Christ ==> Guaranteed Success.

I knew it was success in the eyes of God not man. 

I knew that some people had experienced this reality in the past, but somehow, amid the cacophony of voices, the continual practice of “abiding in Christ” had been “lost on” most believers. But now, the Holy Spirit was highlighting and unveiling this absolute essential factor for true success in life. He was making it accessible to and practical for all the children of God. Whatever good we might accomplish or whatever true successes we might enjoy…these things were, ultimately and literally, based on what Jesus had done for us and would do through us.

God wants to download…not a new theory…but a new operating system into our beings. Jesus opened a treasure chest and he was preparing to share the treasures freely with his followers. He said, “Don’t ask, ‘Why not before’. Just rejoice that it is available now.”

Quite a dream, wasn’t it? This week we have been in Holland, Michigan at our 3rd Thrive conference, learning more of these simple yet profound truths and practices that are found in that treasure chest. We believe that this group of people my husband now works with are that team of scientists, along with pastors and others, who were in that dream! The organization is called Life Model Works founded by Dr. Jim Wilder. Jim has written many books and spent his life gaining understanding how we can remain relational throughout our lifetimes, abiding in Christ and loving people well at the same time. Because this understanding and these practices are rooted in Scripture, sound psychology and neuroscience, they really work according to the way God made us. We are so thankful to be a part of what is happening here!

“Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me. I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.” John 15:4-5

The definition of abide is – make home with, dwell with, live in; organically joined to; staying, remaining; permanently connected; continually trusting, adoring, conversing, synchronizing, agreeing; a mutual mind state; staying focused.

I wanted to share this with you today because I think God has much more of this in store for us all if we learn how to abide in Christ. I’ll be sharing more in the days to come.

With love and prayers, 
