December 2018 is here!
Where did the year go? How did it go for you?
I love this time of year because it’s when we all incline our hearts, minds and pocketbooks toward giving!
As a mother of 5 and grandmother of 12, I can’t wait to see the looks on the faces of my loved ones when they open their gifts on Christmas morning! It’s such a blessing to be the giver of gifts that bring joy to others.
I love the quote of above from St. Francis. It echos back to one of my favorite verses of Scripture:
“…remember the words of the Lord Jesus: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.” Acts 20:35
In accordance with that verse, I’d like to give you a gift. This year I launched my first book, The Divine Invitation: Entering the Dance of Becoming Fully Alive. In February it will be available everywhere on Amazon and in bookstores, published by Morgan James Publishing in partnership with Author Academy Elite.
I now have pre-sale copies available that I would like to give you if you would like to have one. My book is about cultivating the one relationship that will always sustain you – your relationship with God. If you want more, or know someone who wants more, this book is for you. You can read more about it here.
Just respond to this email if you would like one and let me know where to send it. I will do my very best to get it out to you before Christmas.
Please feel free to pass this on to others. If they would like to subscribe to these emails, I will send them a copy of my book as well.
With lots of love and best wishes for you and your loved ones,