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Wise Words from Winnie the Pooh

Who knew that Winnie the Pooh could have such wise words of encouragement – not bad for a teddy bear! Whether they originated with him or were something Christopher Robin said that Pooh reiterated, they still have an important meaning.

Here’s the quote, “Promise me you’ll always remember: you’re braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.”

As I think of young people, and some older people graduating in this season, those words are ones I want YOU to remember.

The future is like a blank canvas that you get to paint on with your true colors. Sometimes you may not be quite sure what those colors are. Sometimes fear causes you to forget, sometimes you feel weak compared to the challenges you face. Sometimes you feel like others must be way smarter than you are.

One thing you can be sure of is that God is always WITH you and FOR you – and He loves you MORE THAN YOU KNOW!

You are LOVED more than you know!

If you know that one thing, you will face the future with confidence, courage, strength and clarity of thought.

I have a couple of special offers for those of you who are graduating and for those who would like to give your grads something more personal than a check or a gift card.

One of these gifts is half-price right now. It’s a coaching session with me for an hour to talk about THEM, to explore and discover more of their identity and purpose. 
The second is a DISC Personality Profile test. It takes about 20 minutes to complete and produces 28-30 pages of results. It gives a description of your particular personality type, a historical character match (you might be like Mother Teresa or George Washington!), a very helpful section on communication skills, a Biblical character match, and a Career Match. Very helpful for people of any age! 
Better yet – both gifts together make a powerful combo! The test + the coaching session to unpack the test is a wonderful gift for someone you love.
I hope you’ll take advantage of these special gifts – and I will include a gift certificate for each of them so you can put it in a card if you’re giving it as a gift.
I hope you’ll take this chance to remember those words from Winnie the Pooh with some help from a coach. This kind of encouragement is what I do best.
Just click below to read more and purchase each of them. 
Special blessings on your special days! 