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Timeless Beauty

Dear Friends,

As I write today my husband and I are traveling across Kansas to spend almost 3 weeks attending a couple of events in the mountains of Colorado and Wyoming, including a few days in Vail, CO for some much needed R&R.

Beauty feeds our souls. I’m anticipating that experience as we drive through the prairie lands toward the mountains. Each have a beauty of their own. Because I live in Kansas I look forward to experiencing a different kind of beauty than normal.

Many things about the mountains draw me, the heights with snow caps and the evergreen carpeted slopes and valleys. I love the rushing mountain streams and most of all the vividly colored wildflowers dotting the grassy slopes in summer. Antelope, deer and mountain goats romping in the forests and fields and maybe a moose or bear are all things I hope to see while we’re there.

Though the beauties of nature do feed our souls, nothing feeds us more than the beauty of love. When we love someone, we see them as beautiful no matter what their physical appearance is like. When they love us back, love and beauty multiply!

It’s not beauty that endures it’s love that makes us see beauty.

Timeless beauty is really about being full of love and being loved in return – the photo above captures that well.

Being full of love is what matters most in life. To be that kind of person, we first need to know that we are completely and unconditionally loved by God. Here’s a quote from my book The Divine Invitation about that:

“The thing is, love makes us beautiful. The fact that we are deeply, eternally and unconditionally loved makes us beautiful. When we know we are loved, we can truly love others. And we become more and more lovely as we learn to love well.” – from The Divine Invitation: Entering the Dance of Becoming Fully Alive.

Even more than having my soul filled by the beauty of nature, I look forward to sharing it with my husband of almost 43 years. Also I look forward to sharing the joy and beauty I’m experiencing with family and friends. The love we share is the most beautiful thing in life.

The mountains have always been a special time in my relationship with God as well. I’m expectant of special times with Him there. Jesus went to the mountains to sync up with His father. I need that too! Can’t wait to connect more deeply with Him in the sanctuary up there.

I want more of that timeless beauty, that heaven-on-earth type beauty that endures for a lifetime and beyond.

To read more about timeless beauty, check out my book here.

Blessings to you and yours – may your summer be full of timeless beauties!



Fully Alive Coaching
