I know that you can do all things, and that no purpose of yours can be thwarted.
Job 42:1 ESV
Years ago after surviving the most incredibly difficult years of my life, my husband and I were in Texas along the Gulf having a 2-week getaway for some much needed R&R.
It was an amazing time of fellowship with God and one another. One day when we were having our daily walk on the beach, my eyes were continually drawn to the endless waves, the tide that has been coming in and going out since the beginning of time. The waves take some things out when they recede and bring some things in when they come to shore.
Then the Lord spoke something to me that cut deep into my heart. He said, “You have believed that the devil won.” Whoa. I realized that He was as always, RIGHT.
He went on to say, “The devil may have his day, but in the end I will always have my way.
Then I understood. I had believed that the will and purpose of God was about certain things I believed to be his will, but those things really made Him way too small. Essentially, I made the will of God into a set of assumptions that I believed must happen for His will and purpose to be accomplished.
I realized that he isn’t bothered by human failures or unfortunate events and that his purpose would never be confined by them. Just like the never-ending tides, His will and purpose would go on as he restored men and women in relationship with Himself, regardless of the brokenness of earthly life.
Then I read these verses:
Who is this that hides counsel without knowledge? Therefore I have uttered what I did not understand, things too wonderful for me, which I did no know…I had heard of you by the hearing of the ear, but now my eye sees you; therefore I despise myself and repent in dust and ashes. Job 42:3 & 5
These verses in Job exposed my own smallness of vision – of seeing God as much smaller than He really is! The King of Kings and Lord of Lords is incredibly bigger than my little brain can comprehend. Who am I to judge Him and conclude that He has failed because some things I believed MUST happen, didn’t happen?
GOD IS ALWAYS ON HIS THRONE. He NEVER FAILS. End of story. I repented right then and there, allowing Him to invade my heart and mind, to renew my way of thinking and feeling about the things that pained me so much.
Whatever deep disappointments we may have, His purpose will still go on and on and on, restoring people in their relationship with Him, restoring the earth. Even when we can’t see it, this is true. It’s just like the tides that go on forever, bringing something in when they flow, and taking something out when they recede.
And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to His purpose. Romans 8:28 ESV
Obviously not everything that happens on this planet is the will of God. Evil and corruption are ever present as we all know. God is IN CHARGE but He chooses not to CONTROL everything, giving freedom of choice to weak but noble human beings. God respects the authority He has delegated to His image-bearers. This is why he doesn’t control the sometimes tragic choices made. Even still, somehow He works things for good, in his way and time. This is a commentary on His inscrutable wisdom and great love for us all.
This has been a difficult and tumultuous year, but remember THE ONE WHO is still on the throne, one who can do all things and whose ultimate purpose can never be thwarted!
Much love,