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7 Signs You Need a Coach

  1. You feel stuck, knowing your life was meant for more.
  2. You feel stunted in maturity and long to become a more mature, fulfilled person in life and relationships. 
  3. You’re at the end of a season and you don’t know what you want to do next.
  4. You’ve never taken the time to define your calling, discover your true potential and find a way to do it.
  5. You work hard and make life work, but you lack joy.
  6. You’ve been through a difficult season and you feel the need to gain perspective and renewed purpose to move forward with confidence. 
  7. You feel that you have “settled” for a life that holds you back and stifles your full potential.

If any of these sound like you, I’d love to hear your story! It would be my joy to serve you! Click this link https://fullyalive5.com/contact-terri/ and fill out the form. While you’re there, click on the Coaching tab to see my coaching options. I’ll look forward to hearing from you! Your partner in progress, Terri Sullivant