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Hold On Tight

I love this verse you see in the image today, in the Passion Translation:

Hold on to loyal love and don’t let go, and be faithful to all that you’ve been taught. Let your life be shaped by integrity, with truth written upon your heart. That’s how you will find favor and understanding with both God and men – you will gain the reputation of living life well. Proverbs 2:3-4 TPT

This verse talks about holding on tight to 1.) Loyal love, 2.) What you’ve been taught, 3.) Integrity, 4.) Truth written on your heart.

When things are moving fast, changing fast, out of control, and we feel like giving up, giving in or letting go, it’s time to hold on tight!

Do you have someone who loves you with loyal love? It means so much doesn’t it, to have that person in your life? The truth is you always have God’s loyal love for you as his son or daughter. In response, you want to give it back to Him with all your heart. Loyal love for your family and friends is equally priceless – you will want to hold on tight to them as well, with all your heart.

Hold on to what you’ve been taught – God’s Word is something you always need to hold on to without wavering. His word is true and it is meant to be written on your heart. When it moves from your head to your heart, you’ve got it there always, a constant source of life, truth and stability. Hold on to that with all you’ve got!

Hold on to your integrity. I always remember the phrase from Hamlet, “Unto thine own self be true.” If I ever violate my own conscience and don’t choose to be who I truly am, I lose. Hang on tight to your integrity and you’ll never regret it.

I just wanted to encourage you with this Scripture today – God’s word is a lamp to our feet, a light on our path. This one jumped out at me today.

If you need help walking this out, check out my coaching options – I love to help people live their lives in accordance with God’s Word and in alignment with the design He gave them. He has placed treasure inside us – both Christ in us and the gifts and calling he has given each person. I love to help mine that treasure!

I also created a course to go along with my book, The Divine Invitation – it’s all about living your life according to Proverbs 2:3-4. You can read more about that by clicking the button. I’ll also be starting a discipleship mastermind for women in January that you can read about there also!

I’m praying for you today and I always love hearing from you!

