Help us fulfill our mission. Make a tax deductible donation to Radius today.
You can be a part of the renovation of Jesus’ people with your generous donations!
Radius Ministries is…
- Promoting a naturally supernatural way of life as joyful followers of Jesus.
- Forming well rounded, well grounded, well bounded disciples of Christ and communities of fellowship where people can grow and heal as God intends.
- Guiding God’s people into living life fully alive with Jesus at the center.
We are a Christ-centered equipping ministry for the Body of Christ and the culture at large. We have been helping people and groups connect with the interactive presence and wisdom of God for nearly 50 years.
Radius promotes a relationally-informed and joy-filled approach to being Jesus followers. This is desperately needed in our day in which so many dehumanizing forces are at play. As Radius’ ministers, we train people to embrace the marvelous re-humanizing ways of Christ for regular folks like us and the communities we build.
As we pastor, teach, counsel, coach and lead those who want to grow in maturity and in developing the character of Jesus, we truly appreciate your generous donations to do the work of ministry we have been called to. Many things we provide are done for people who cannot afford to support us financially.
Proverbs 11:25 (AMP) – The generous man [is a source of blessing and] shall be prosperous and enriched, And he who waters will himself be watered [reaping the generosity he has sown].
Radius Ministries, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

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Your generous donations help to provide what we need to train, lead and serve others. All donations are tax exempt.