Greetings to all of you! These words above came to me when I was at the very weakest point in my life. In 2004 I had brain surgery to mitigate a brain seizure disorder called trigeminal neuralgia.
The surgery stopped the seizures but the nerve coating on that cranio-facial nerve was disintegrated and needed to rebuild. After 2 years of debilitating pain and being confined to the couch I was finally able to get up and try to figure out how to ‘do life’ again.
It was not easy. So much had changed! Life as it had been no longer existed. Life as it would be from there on was an unwritten script.
It was during the time this phrase dropped into my mind. I credit God as the giver.
Change is inevitable, progress is optional.
I had to accept the inevitable changes that had happened to me physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. And while I was in this time of personal suffering, the world around me had also changed.
I needed to grieve some things that I had lost. I couldn’t skip that or it would short circuit the progress I knew I wanted to make. After the grieving, I felt freedom to re-engage with life, to engage my new realities.
Since that time I receiving training and started a coaching business, became a more skilled speaker, started a new church along with my husband, stepped into leadership along with my husband for a ministry called Life Model Works, wrote a book, created a course to go along with my book, and more. By the grace of God, I have made progress!
During the current coronavirus pandemic, being in quarantine, many of those same feelings and experiences have been coming back to me. It has been a time of confinement, pruning and for some a lot of suffering.
The world around us has changed and is still changing. The future is uncertain. We have also been changed by what circumstances have imposed.
But we truly do have an opportunity here to be involved in making changes that lead to progress.
I’m pondering what changes I want to make that will take advantage of the opportunities being offered to us by change. Will you join me?
I would love to hear your thoughts about what kind of progress you want to make!