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The picture you see here is a young maple tree in our front yard. It’s about 3 years old and last year was its’ first year to show color. This year it suddenly burst into these beautiful colors literally overnight! I was astonished to wake up and see it in full color one morning this […]

When You’re Out of Sync, You Sink

I don’t know what’s been happening for you, but it has been an exceptionally busy and demanding season in my life. Anyone else experiencing this? If not now, I’m sure you have before and will again! Sometimes life just shifts into another gear and you find yourself in a whirlwind of activity and demands. The […]

How to Live Fully Alive in a World the Tends to Suck the Life Out of You

Here’s a well known quote from the Lord of Life himself, Jesus. “The thief comes only to steal, kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life and have it more abundantly.” John 10:10 The first part of the verse tells us that we have an enemy who’s only job and intent is […]

Anchor in Heaven

About 17 years ago in 2004, I was in a serious health crisis. I had trigeminal neuralgia (aka “the suicide disease”) and was on the couch in terrible pain for about a year and a half. I had brain surgery, facial paralysis due to complications of that surgery, and a host of other issues with […]

Living Fully Alive with Jesus at the Center

What does it take to live life fully alive in a world that tends to suck the life out of you?  Today I will share with you what I’ve learned about that very thing. Consider this verse of Scripture: “The thief comes only to steal, kill, and destroy. I came that they may have life […]

5 to Thrive

Jesus said, “…I have come that they may have life, and have it abundantly.”  John 10:10(b) NASB A second century saint name Irenaeus said, “The Glory of God is man fully alive.”  I believe that these words are all true! But what does it take for us to really have that abundant life, to be fully […]

God’s Definition of Success

Abiding in Christ –> Fruitfulness, Relationships, Impact Last week in my blog I shared a powerful dream my husband had 5 years ago. The blog was called Abiding in Christ –> Guaranteed Success. If you didn’t get a chance to read it, you can read it on my website here: https://radiusministries.org/category/blog/ I believe that success […]

Abiding in Christ –> Guaranteed Success

A powerful dream On May 25, 2016 My husband Michael had this powerful dream:  “In a vivid dream from the Lord this morning, I was a part of a team of scientists who had been doing extensive research through the years. We had made a breakthrough discovery that would change the world on a very basic […]

The Power of Attachment

In recent years I’ve been learning a great deal about the importance of attachment. Attachment in the Scriptures is called “hesed” or “chesed” in Hebrew. It’s love that sticks like glue, steadfast love like the connection between you and God, like a mother and father with their children, between a healthy married couple or between close friends. […]


“Be still and know that I am God…” Psalm 46:10a Last week I wrote about abiding in Christ as the key to real impact, the kind that lasts and honors God. I described abiding as communing with the Lord in conversational prayer, taking time to just be with him, interacting with him in the Word […]