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Dear friends,

Where you stand today, would you say you are climbing a tall, tall mountain that seems like it’s just too tall to climb?

Maybe you’re already on that mountain top and are feeling fantastic!

Or perhaps you’re in a deep valley that seems so low you’ll never get out of it?

Life has its’ share of heights and depths, highs and lows, ups and downs.

What would you say makes it all worthwhile? And what makes it all bearable when it’s not easy?

I think these words sum it up: sharing it all with FAMILY and FRIENDS!

This past week a very dear friend of mine had a double mastectomy. When she woke up from the surgery, she had so much JOY! Why? Because she was surrounded by so many people at the hospital, and even if they weren’t there physically, they’re with her in spirit. Her family and friends were WITH her.

Even more than that, she has a friend like no other, one that is with her 24/7 through thick and thin. She knows this friend is always with her. He goes by the name of Jesus.

Jesus said, “..I call you my most intimate friends, for I reveal to you everything the I’ve heard from my Father.” John 15:15(b) TPT

When you are feeling excitement and joy you want so much to share it, right? Likewise, when you are most vulnerable, you also want and need others to share that with you, too – to be WITH you.

Are you feeling the need to have more family and friends WITH you? Consider how you might be WITH them and take the initiative. It will have a boomerang effect – you reap what you sow in due time.

Do you struggle to experience God’s presence WITH you, even though you know in your mind that He is?

The “password” into the awareness of God’s presence WITH you is gratitude.

You can pass through his open gates with the password of praise, come right into his presence with thanksgiving.” Psalm 100:4 TPT

I want all of you to have that sense of deep well-being that comes from knowing you are not alone, never alone!

Praying for you today!

❤️ Terri



